
Posts Tagged ‘Cheesesteaks’

Beers and Blather Episode 10

Over a bundle of McSorley’s Irish Pale Ale,the Blather boys have get right to it. The intense heat wave is touched in Beer One, on because everyone loves when people bitch about the heat, and the physics or chemistry of sweating off one’s balls.

Beer Two centers around the very important to everyone topic of Peak Oil, its impact, what it is, workarounds, and other mishegas involving it.

Beer Three has Don and Merritt finalize the starting 9 for the Southbury Cheesesteaks by putting together an outfield, then delving deep into the grab bag to touch on vacation ideas in Virginia, break-dance fighting, and another celebrity clash, this time between Jeff’s. Grab a beer and enjoy!

And remember, get your own questions in to the Grab Bag by messaging @filthygrabbag on Twitter, or leave a comment here! Thanks!

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