
Posts Tagged ‘Raiders’


Beers and Blather Episode 12


Back in the swing of things, the boys pick up a six-pack of Victory Brewing Company’s Golden Monkey and are simply blown away. Seriously, maybe the best beer to be had on the program to this point. So that dominated discussion in Beer One, along with the issues of hyperliberalism and cocaine dealing. But only hypothetically of course.

Beer Two looks to maybe the greatest event to happen to America this year, the return of football. The lockout was ended and Don and Merritt are simply ecstatic about it. So they break down what suck about the other’s teams (Raiders and Giants, listen to find out who likes what) and basically scream “Football!” over and over.

The Grab Bag features questions from across the pond about American hip-hop lingo, neccessitating the return of resident hip-hopologist David Greenburg, MD PhD Esq. Also, questions arise from suburbia over the paternity situation of Young Jeezy, and other questions from listeners.

Hope you enjoy the show!


And remember, if you want to get into the Grab Bag, go to @filthygrabbag on Twitter, or a comment somewhere here on the site!! Thanks!!!

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